About the Mitchell Group

The Mitchell Group has specialized in the planning and scheduling of the finest Christian Artists & Speakers for all types of Church, Civic and Corporate Special Events since 1993. Whatever type of event you may be planning we have someone to fit your need. Having booked well over 10,000 events since 1993, we cover the following types of events: Women’s, Men’s, Children’s, Sports, Family, Civic & Corporate.

We will make your planning experience a fun and rewarding one.

Please email us today stormy@mitchellgroup.org.

Our Artist Roster

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Men’s Ministry

We have a passion to reach Men for the Lord through various methods; Wild Game Dinners, Beast Feasts, Sportsman’s Banquets, Men’s Conferences, and Retreats just to name a few. Our Artists & Speakers bring very compelling, entertaining, and dynamic presentations that will keep all who attend on the edge of their seats. Each Speaker will very clearly and concisely present the Gospel to conclude the event. Our Speakers are there to serve you and to make your event a HUGE success.

Women’s Ministry

Laughter, joyful stories, heart grabbing scenarios are what you can expect when you book one of our artist or speakers for your Women’s Ministry event. When we are asked to suggest great artists or speakers for Women’s Ministry events the options are unique and many. Our speakers have combined over 125 years of speaking experience, plus they’ve done just about every type of event you can imagine. Our ladies will inspire and motivate your group to live in service to the Lord in a better and more meaningful way. Whether it’s a Ladies Night Out, Women’s Conference or Retreat, Tablescapes, Mother/Daughter Banquet, Mother’s Day Banquets or an Inspirational Drama, our team of Artist & Speakers can fill your needs.

Family Entertainment

This is the place to find the BEST entertainment is right here. All of our Artists & Speakers have programs that are suited for kids from 4–94. We have Artists & Speakers that are very talented and will have you saying, “How did they do that?” Family Fun Nights, Block Parties, VBS Kickoff Shows, Upward Award Nights, Family Banquets, Harvest Festivals, Fourth of July Festivals, and Christmas Events are just a few of the events we service.
You’ll be glad you called us for your next Special Event!

Marriage Seminars

One of the foundations of a strong church is families with strong marriages that are Christ centered. Our Speakers live Godly lives and share programs and experiences with couples and families whose relationships might need a tune up. These events are life changing and become a cherished time to build upon. We invest in the lives of attendees and with careful guidance and instruction, demonstrate that marriages may be saved and vastly improved. This is one area that each church or ministry should be seeking to continually improve.

We’d Love to Hear From You. Get In Touch With Us!

We look forward to assisting you with your next event. Please complete the form below. We must have your name, your cell phone number, your email address, church name, date of event, artist name. Please also include any other information that describes your event or anything else you feel might be helpful in securing the booking.

Contact Info

The Mitchell Group
Stormy Mitchell
Email: stormy@mitchellgroup.org
Web: https://mitchellgroup.org