Wade Nolan
Wade Nolan is passionate about sharing Christ. His background as a whitetail biologist, filmmaker and adventurer all collided in his unique ministry to men. Wade lived 17 years in Alaska and 5 years north of the Circle. His trail has led from Alaska’s Arctic to Africa’s Kalahari, capturing true tales of life and death. His award winning work has been featured on The Outdoor and Pursuit channel, National Geographic TV as well as CBS, ABC, NBC and the BBC in London.
Nolan has been able to blend his colorful profession with promoting Jesus Christ. Men are drawn into his stories and then to the one who designed Wade’s story. Mentored into Christ by an Athabaskan Indian in Alaska and molded by a life on the edge, Wade uses the roar of charging lions, the blinding attack of a bear or the splintering ice of a calving glacier to unlock the emotions of men. His personal story of finding Christ is very unique and perfectly common.
Surrounded by success and adventure he once thought he had all he needed. Most of the Christian men Wade knew he labeled as wimps. Then God introduced him to an Athapaskan Indian missionary who became his mentor, then to some real Alaskan men who changed his life. He moved closer to Christ but only sat on the fence. After reading this verse, he realized that if Christ said, “He who is not with Me, is against Me”, he who does not gather with Me, scatters” Mathew 12:30, he realized that there is no grey area. Wade then understood that we all need to make a choice between Jesus Christ and satan.
Wade leads men to the cross with boldness and clarity. He explains that the truth is , “Any wimp can follow satan, it takes a real man to follow Christ.”

The first part of Wade’s sportsman banquet program was a powerful seminar on the biology and science of white-tailed deer. His background as a whitetail biologist built trust among the outdoorsmen attending that later opened their ears when Wade presented the gospel. He is a God gifted storyteller. We invited him back
Wade was so dynamic we decided to have him back two years in a row. He was just as powerful the second time around. His Sunday message was refreshing and memorable. We had new visitors in our church Sunday morning who came to hear him speak. Wade is the real deal.
We are still praising God for how he worked through you. Out of 550 men and boys, 92 prayed to receive Christ and 57 rededicated their lives. Thank you for being faithful and obedient to God’s call upon your life.
Wade is a great communicator, storyteller, and evangelist. Whether it is a Sportsman Banquet, or Men’s Retreat or Sunday morning, Wade is a solid choice.
Wade spoke at our first Sportsman’s banquet to 700+ men. His true life and death stories drew in the audience and then he transitioned to his own story. His sitting on the fence testimony connected. We had 173 men sign a card that they considered Christ that evening. Nolan has also spoke at our weekend church services to over 2800. The reviews were excellent.

Whitetail University
As a noted whitetail professional and director of Whitetail University, Wade has conducted over 300 deer seminars. He has conducted notable university based research on whitetails. His seminars are about sharing new research. Wade and his son Reed have produced over 230 whitetail video clips that have had over 18-million views. He is a staff writer on Bowhunting.net.
“I like to conduct whitetail seminars at my events to build trust with the attendees. Later in the evening when I present Christ, I have established a relationship as an experienced outdoorsman and bowhunter.”