Annie Chapman

Raised by her hard working parents, Annie grew up on a dairy farm in West Virginia. She went on to attend Moody Bible Institute in Chicago where she studied music and home missions. In 1975, Annie married her friend and fellow West Virginian, Steve Chapman. Their mutual love of music that began in high school eventually led them to working together as a duet and they’ve done so since 1980. With the family as the main focus in their songs, Steve & Annie have recorded over 25 albums as well as written as many books.

Having a wealth of insight into the challenges of being a wife, mother, mother-in-law and grandmother, Annie brings to the platform an ability to encourage and motivate women of all ages. Using solid biblical teaching, personal experience, and heart-warming music, Annie’s presentation is refreshing to the soul and a blessing to the spirit. Some of the important topics she addresses include:

  • understanding how to gain a balance in the varied roles of womanhood
  • how to gain and keep control over anger
  • how a wife can help her husband know what she wants
  • how a woman can “take her life back one thought at a time!”
  • why and how to handle the often delicate relationship with a daughter-in-law
  • how to effectively and powerfully pray for grandchildren as well as build good and lasting memories with them
Visit Annie’s website at
Schedule Annie Now!

Annie is also the author of the following titles.

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